4 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Find People You Know On LinkedIn

Published: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 | Tags: LinkedIn, networking, social media

LinkedIn is the world’s top professional networking site. But it’s only valuable if you have plenty of people to network with!

To build your network, you should start by finding people you already know—friends, family, colleagues and schoolmates. Follow the steps below, and repeat every few months to find new contacts who have joined LinkedIn. 

1) Connect with your email contacts.

In the LinkedIn toolbar, under Network, click Add Connections. This tool walks you through the steps of requesting to connect with your email contacts.

2) Use the People You May Know feature.

At the top right corner of the LinkedIn homepage, there’s a section titled People You May Know. Be sure to click the “note” icon if you want to include a message.

3) Browse alumni.

Go to the LinkedIn toolbar once again, and under Network click Find Alumni. This tool works best if you have your profile linked to your school(s) in the Education section. The Alumni tool allows you to narrow your search by location, company, industry, subject of study, skills, and the degree to which you are connected.

4) Search past and current companies.

For each of the organizations at which you were previously employed or are currently employed, perform a search to connect with your past and present colleagues. Simply enter the company name into People Search, and choose people from the resulting list. Don’t forget to include organizations where you volunteered!

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Here are some other articles you might enjoy reading:

Intro to LinkedIn for Nonprofits

12 Steps to Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

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